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Our music curriculum is delivered following the Get Set 4 Music Scheme of Work.  The Scheme provides us with lessons for each year group from Reception through to Year 6.  The Scheme supports all the requirements of the national curriculum and is in line with published Ofsted guidance.  Our children thoroughly enjoy their music lessons and sing beautifully.

Get Set 4 Education - quality Music and PE primary curriculums

To view our Long-Term Music Plan and Knowledge/Skills documents, please see the PDF Files below.

In addition to this, the school have strong links with NMPAT (Northants Music and Performing Art Trust) and we offer pupils in Key Stage 2, opportunities to experience short programmes of teaching with specialist music teachers.  In recent years we have had African Drumming, Violins, Ukulele and Guitars.  The children follow a 10 week programme and we always finish with a special performance for parents and carers.  The children gain great musical experience from these workshops and the experience often prompts the children to pursue music lessons.

NMPAT also provide us with peripatetic teachers who come into school to teach instruments each week.  We can offer lessons for the following instruments:

  • violin
  • cello
  • recorder
  • flute
  • clarinet

If your child is interested in playing an instrument, please contact Mrs Harvey or Mrs Harrison - for further details.

As a whole school, we have singing assemblies each week and the children learn a range of songs to fit in with seasonal and PSHCE themes.  The children also enjoy performing songs as part of their class assemblies.

‘As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.’

(Dept. for Education National curriculum in England: music programme of study, 11.9.13)

Useful link:

Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts Trust