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Remote Learning

Stanion C.E (Aided) Primary School will provide appropriate remote learning for pupils who are not not able to attend school. Please see the Remote Learning policy below for the full details of this.

In the event of individuals needing to self-isolate

In the event that individual pupils are confirmed to be self-isolating or shielding due to COVID-19, Class Teachers will provide access to a weekly timetable of remote learning activities. This will be shared through either MS Teams, DB Primary or sent home as paper based learning. 

This timetable will, as much as possible, link to our long-term curriculum plans and the learning those in school will be doing, while remaining manageable for staff to prepare on top of their usual weekly workload. To do this, we will make use of a number of ready prepared high quality online materials (drawing on some units from the national Oak Academy that fit with our school curriculum) and supplement these with our existing subscription packages which children are familiar with such as: Reading Eggs, Times-Table Rock Stars, Numbots and Spelling Frame.

As the teacher will still be in school with responsibility for the class, feedback will not be provided immediately although the class teacher email can be used if further clarification is required. Parents may also telephone the school and request a telephone appointment with the teacher.

In the event of a national lock down, class bubble or partial closure 

Class Teachers will provide online resources in line with the learning that (where possible) would have taken place in the classroom. This will ensure that children can continue to access the relevant curriculum for their year. Teachers will provide adapted learning resources for children with additional learning needs, just as they would in school. This information will be made available on MS Teams, DB Primary Learning Platform and/or supplemented by paper copies of work. 

In the event of a national school lock down, learning will be primarily delivered through 'live' lessons on MS Teams (Yr1-Yr6) and DB Primary.  This will enable teachers to set and feedback on work completed and submitted from home. We will also make use of online resources such as the Oak National Academy and our existing subscription packages.  Children in our EYFS class will be sent work daily via Tapestry and will also have access to 'live' phonics and story time sessions.  Work packs which can be collected by parents each week, will contain paper copies of work and new reading books.

Other optional events and enrichment activity ideas will be spread throughout the week to help keep the children engaged and enthusiastic, as well as supporting their social interaction and physical and emotional wellbeing at this time. 

DB Primary Web Link