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School Meals

At Stanion C.E (Aided) Primary School, we recognise the important part a healthy diet plays for a child’s wellbeing and their ability to learn effectively and achieve.

We believe that the school, in partnership with parents and carers, can make a major contribution to improving children and young people’s health by increasing their knowledge and understanding of food and helping them to make healthy food choices.

Our approach to improving pupils’ health through healthy eating.

We aim to:

  • Increase knowledge and awareness of a healthy diet through workshops and our PSHE and Science curriculum;
  • Provide safe, tasty, and nutritious food that promotes health;
  • Enable all pupils to have a healthy school meal;
  • Provide safe, easily accessible water during the school day;
  • Promote healthy eating/healthy food choices and discouraging unhealthy eating/unhealthy food choices;
  • Be a role model for healthy eating;
  • Monitor healthy choices, including packed lunches;
  • Use a range of opportunities to promote healthy eating;
  • Ensure consistent messages regarding healthy eating are reinforced throughout the school day.

Hot Meals or Packed Lunch

Our provider of Hot Meals is Love Food. Menus are sent out termly and forms and envelopes are provided from the school office.  Even if your child takes universal free school meals they still need to be ordered.
There is also an email address which you can use 

You will need to order school dinners in advance. The deadline for ordering/changing options is midnight on the day before your child wishes to take dinners.


If children do not want the option of hot meals they can bring their own packed lunch. It must be in a container with the child's name clearly marked. Unfortunately, a plate, knife, spoon or beaker cannot be provided. 

Any drinks sent should be in unbreakable containers - no tins, glass bottles or fizzy/flavoured cordial drinks please. We ask that parents only provide water for consumption during the school day.  Children have access to chilled water throughout the day if they require it.

We promote the use of cool bags in warmer weather.

Home Lunch - at 12.30pm children may be collected to go home for lunch. Children who go home for lunch should return to school no later than 1.25pm.

Eating in class and the chewing of gum is not allowed. Free fruit is provided for Year R, 1 and 2.
Year 3,4,5 and 6 are encouraged to eat fruit at morning break.